Schatz Lab - Fall 2018 - Present

Working toward my PhD in Computer Science at Johns Hopkins, under the supervision of my advisor, Dr. Mike Schatz. My work focuses on faster ways of solving existing problems in our field - I have worked on developing learned index structures to speed up searching genomic data, and on sketching and sampling techniques to rapidly classify read data. I am currently investigating and working on improving the representation of South Asian genomes in widely used genomic datasets.

Istrail Lab - February 2017 - May 2018

Worked in the lab run by my advisor, Dr. Sorin Istrail. I completed a senior undergraduate honors thesis, titled "Approaches in Genomic Privacy". My thesis surveyed the current state of genomic privacy, reviewed potential solutions (both technical and non-technical), and included my projections for the future of the field. It can be found here .

QCRI - Summer 2017

I worked with Dr. Michael Aupetit on KinVis, a visual analytic tool (built entirely in R and Shiny) for exploring kinship information in Genome Wide Association Studies (GWAS). The paper can be found on Bioformatics .

QCRI - Summer 2016

Working with Dr. Michele Ceccarelli on integrative bioinformatics for Big Data analysis in Cancer Genomics (biomarker discovery and pathway analysis). Integrated multiple existing algorithms (VEGA, VEGA-WES, SAAS-CNV) to create a new method to analyze whole exome sequence (WES) datasets using both the Log R Ratios (LRR) and B Allele Frequencies. Done using R and the relevant packages.

QCRI - Summer 2015

Carried out research into eye-tracking software and hardware with Dr. Jim Jansen. Worked with eye-tracking technology, and conducted research into how visual primers draw attention and affect human behavior and decision making.Responsible for designing and carrying out an experiment to test the effectiveness of various forms of primers using eye-tracking technology.

Undergraduate Teaching Assistant - CS022 (Spring 2016, Spring 2017, Spring 2018)

Teaching Assistant for CS022 – Discrete Structures and Probability, taught by Dr. Caroline Klivans.

Undergraduate Teaching Assistant, CS1010 (Fall 2016, Fall 2017)

Teaching Assistant for CS101 – Theory of Computation (formerly CS051 – Models of Computation), taught by Dr. Anna Lysyanskaya in Fall 2016, and by Dr. John Savage in Fall 2017.

Raphael Lab Member - Spring 2016

The Raphael Lab is a research group in the Computer Science Department and Center for Computational Molecular Biology at Brown University that works to develop algorithms and mathematical models to address biological problems. Major areas of interest include computational cancer genomics, human structural variation, and comparative genomics.